Monday, February 25, 2008

The girls are starting to really move around

Look out house here they come. Approaching the six month mark and Reese and Riley are really on the move. They both roll both ways and hold themselves up while on their stomaches with their arms. It is so cute to see them moving. When we put them in their cribs at night, you never can beleive where they end up the next time that you check on them.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Time sure passes quickly!

The girls are 149 days old (5 months) and it feels like only a few days ago I was at the hospital. Both Reese and Riley are totally rolling over and geting bigger every day. I think they are both about 12 lb's now. They are sleeping pretty well throught the night but still wake up very early (sometimes 4:00 AM). I am really enjoying the little changes that happen everyday. They both are learning what their voices can do and the sounds that they are doing are just fantastic.