The girls have started to crawl and it is not too easy to keep them in one place. Reese was first to crawl and she can really move now. Riley is doing the backwards crawl but Reese has the forward crawl down pat.

The picture to the right is of Riley and Reese with Reese's favorite toy her purple Octopus. When ever she sees it she gets really excited. If Riley touches it, Reese gets upset.

Tay and Riley.

Tay and Reese.

Mommy and Riley.

Riley and Reese looking at each other. This is right before Reese steals the pacifier.

Riley has already gotten two teeth.

Reese loves her bouncy chair.

The twin picture that everyone has of their twins.

"Daddy what in the world are you doing"?

Cell Mates.

Hi Daddy!