Friday, January 4, 2008


Tay and I both enjoy the Wii

Michelle has really been amazing!!!! If I just had twins on September 11th I would not have been able to do the things that Michelle has done. She is a Freak of Nature!!!! For all of you reading this that know Michelle, you already know. What a blessing to have Michelle stay home with the twins, take care of Taylor and make sure that I am content. Michelle is a SAINT. I try to help her as much as I can with the babies but she has to take the majority of the work.
The twins like to rock out with the Jungle gym. Just to give you an update, Reese is able to roll over at will and Riley is laughing all the way. I am so shocked at how far my girls have progressed. It is truly amazing!!!!!!!!!!! These girls are so pretty, don't you agree?????

Mommy, the head band is going to leave a deep groove in my precious head.


Pure Sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Double Up?

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