Monday, July 30, 2007

32 weeks - Taylor and Mommy

We sure are getting closer to having the girls. Taylor wantted to get in on the Blog so we took her picture last night.

Friday, July 27, 2007

My emotions are on overload.

The greatest thing that I can do right now is to love my 2 babies, daughter and their mother!! Guess what, pinch me.............. I can't even wait to see my girls. Tonight I had 2 of my nieces spend the night and to have all three girls with us at once was pretty eye opening. Life as it seems is going to get much more difficult. In the past having one child has been pretty easy. We watch her, feed her and let her get ready for bed and do it all over again every day. Now with twins, are we going to transition into them easily? I am a nervous wreck but I know that I will step it up and do what is necessary to make it work. Lets face it, we are not the first people to have twins and by no means are in a position to fear them. Life has been very good so far and 2 more babies is going to be a blessing to us. Cutting back on entertainment is not going to be all that hard, blockbuster movies are just as fun as going to the movies. I like to grill out so eating out is not going to be that much of a difference. I am not Bobby Flay but I do enjoy cooking for my friends and family. Can I go out and play poker on the weekends? Probably no, but is that a problem to me?????????????? I bet that once the girls are born I will be putty in their hands. I still want my Man time and living in a house with 4 ladies, I may have to get one guy night a week just to shake off the estrogen. I am so excited about the babies that I want to scream............. I just sat down with Michelle and we are so happy to be blessed with two bundles of joy. It is hard to explain how happy one man can be to experience the pregnancy of his babies, I know that I am not carrying them but I feel so close to my wife during this process.

The Babies are growing at a rapid pace.

Michelle just called me to say that the babies are growing right on schedule. Baby A is weighing 3 pounds, 13 ounces and Baby B is weighing 3 pounds 10 ounces. She also mentioned that the Doctor may let her carry the girls a little longer than she said the last visit to let them develop more. I think this is a funny set of shirts that I will buy for the babies. I am getting really excited!!! Michelle, Taylor and I watched the babies kick so much last night. they sure are moving a lot now and it is amazing to watch her stomach move. Just a little footnote, I was thinking about a parent is someone who carries pictures where his/her money used to be and Diaper backwards spells repaid. Think about it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

We toured the hospital

We took the baby tour at Wellington Regional Medical Center on Monday night and it took about an hour. Taylor had a blast, Michelle was a little upset about the rooms but as the Nurse said it is not a hotel. The rooms looked fine to me, a chair for me and a T.V. is just about all I need. Michelle will be fine with it I am sure too. We will have to deliver in the OR and I think that makes Michelle worried. Our neighbor is a nurse at Wellington and she will actually be in the delivery room with us. It is getting very close and I think the shock is starting to set. in.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

More 4 D pictures of both of the girls

We are going to wait to see the babies before we pick which baby will be Reese or Riley. Michele wants to decide once they are born so for now Baby A and Baby B will have to do. I am amazed how much detail we can se from the pictures. Michelle even saw them kiss each other in the session.

The room is finished...... Look at the girlie pink dressers

Tah Dah.................... Look at the bubble gum pink dressers that Michelle ordered for the babies room. I can see myself stripping the paint off in a few years. I think it looks great and can't wait for the twins to come. The doctor said that Michelle won't go past 38 weeks so we are on a 7 1/2 week countdown. I am both nervous and excited.

30 1/2 weeks

Michelle is just as beautiful as ever in her 30 and 1/2 week of pregnancy. We had our 5th year wedding anniversary last night and I took her to the Breakers in Palm beach for dinner. We had a good time and we talked about how excited we were to have the twins. everyone from the valet to the waitress and guests at other tables all had comments to her on how good she looked to good luck with twins. There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: Twins

Thursday, July 19, 2007

One little Angel

See how she is resting her chin on her hand. How Cute!!!
I am getting prepared for questions asked most often:
Are they twins? - duh
Are they girls? - doesn't matter if they are in pink dresses, still asked!
Are they all yours? No actually one is mine and one is yours, do you want her back now?
Are you twins also? - haven't figured that one out yet
How do you do it? - you do what you have to do
Are they identical?

4 D Pictures of the Girls - 30 weeks

Michelle went and got these amazing 4 D pictures today and are they ever cool. I can't believe how much you can actually see their faces. She also brought home a DVD of the girls and it is so cool to watch them move around. What do you think by these pictures, are they identical or fraternal? There are just way too many pictures to post so I selected just two that had their faces in the same position. Sometimes the babies were opening their mouths and it was fascinating to watch them rub their eyes and kick and punch each other. At on point it looked as if they were holding each other by the hand but since they are in two separate sacks I guess that would be impossible. I am getting too excited now to actually see them. Michelle and I watched a video about two ladies who had twins and the both said the same thing. We are going to be very busy the first few years but after that they are much easier than having one because they entertain each other. Michelle said that she counted ten fingers and ten toes on both Reese and Riley and they look so sweet and peaceful. They both weigh 2.8 pounds and we expect that they will make it to at least 37 weeks. The doctor said they were right on track in size and weight and that they looked very similar in all of their features. We will have to wait and see in a few more months. Leave us a comment if you think that they are identical or not.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

30 weeks - Baby Shower

I wanted to thank everyone who came to the Baby Shower!! We can not thank you enough for all of the nice gifts and seeing everyone was just great! I think we are set on diapers for the first month or two and the gifts that you all brought were just fantastic. All of the guys had a great time playing poker and I think that all of the girls had fun doing the baby shower stuff. I know for a fact that the shower would have been boring to me without the poker (and the beer). I wanted everyone to finally see the the picture of me with a smaller belly than Michelle. I guess I only have a few more months to make this claim so I better let everyone know while I can. It was really good to see all of our Friends and family during the shower and I can't wait for the babies to get here. We are waiting up tonight for the babies new furniture to get here. I will post the pictures soon.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The twins room is almost complete.......Just waiting on the twins.

We finally have the girls room finished. The second crib was assembled by Michelle and I on Saturday and it was a little easier than I thought it would be. I can't believe that they will be here in about 10 more weeks. Michelle has bee very tired the past few days and is supposed to stay off her feet. The babies are so active in her belly, it is really neat to see them both kick and move around. They respond to our voices and we enjoy talking to them everyday.

Michelle is 27 weeks pregnant in this picture. My has she grown in the past few months. I hope to take more pictures the last 2 months and once the twins are born.