Sunday, July 15, 2007

30 weeks - Baby Shower

I wanted to thank everyone who came to the Baby Shower!! We can not thank you enough for all of the nice gifts and seeing everyone was just great! I think we are set on diapers for the first month or two and the gifts that you all brought were just fantastic. All of the guys had a great time playing poker and I think that all of the girls had fun doing the baby shower stuff. I know for a fact that the shower would have been boring to me without the poker (and the beer). I wanted everyone to finally see the the picture of me with a smaller belly than Michelle. I guess I only have a few more months to make this claim so I better let everyone know while I can. It was really good to see all of our Friends and family during the shower and I can't wait for the babies to get here. We are waiting up tonight for the babies new furniture to get here. I will post the pictures soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's about time you posted your own photo, you hot man you. I love you so much.