Saturday, May 5, 2007

Whoops (mistake) ..... It's two girls

Something told me that it was too early to tell the sexes of the twins when we were first told. After the last visit to the doctor with the 4 D ultra sound we are almost sure it is two little darling girls which we will still name Reese and Riley. I could not be more surprised to find out yet, nevertheless happy as can be. It would be so neat to have identical twins but I am not opposed to fraternal either. There are pros and cons to both, I am just so excited to see the little beauties. My wife has been so terrific the past month but as of yesterday the hormones are raging once again. Sudden tears at the drop of the hat are no longer uncommon and for the time being I will do my best to be supportive and keep quiet. I know whats good for me!
MORE TO COME..........


Anonymous said...

Wow! So much joy! I'm thrilled for you all. Thanks for sharing your blog!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you three.
Keep the pics and comments coming, it makes us feel as if we were there with you.


D and Shannon

Anonymous said...

Are you all from Canada by any chance? I could swear I see a hint of Canadian.....

Anonymous said...

What say y'all just hunker down and plan to have a lifetime of girl mania. Feel sorry for ya dude. All them wimen in one house and the full moon will have you howlin! And twins to boot?

Anonymous said...

J my friend,

I now see you in a very different light. Your Blog is fantastic and We really enjoyed reading it. I was never aware of your "sensitive" side but I am glad to see you have one. I can't wait to see you on the day of the delivery. I know it will be the BEST day of your life. I was there.
You and Michelle are wonderful people and are so important to me in my life.
I pray for you often.