I will have to remember not to talk like such a goof ball on the next video!!!!!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
3 first times

Aunt Gisele (Reese's middle name)and Uncle Dave holding the girls for the first time. They came down from Daytona Beach to see the girls and drove Taylor to Cape Caneveral for her Disney Cruise with my Father and Step Mother

The girls first time in the car on the way home from the hospital. Michelle is sitting in the backseat with the girls on the way home and snapped this picture,
Friday, September 21, 2007
Can it get any better than this???????????

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Sleep deprevation!!! You are calling my name
This is a picture of the girls with Grandmas Drapeau and Miller.
Look at how sweet the girls look while they are sleeping. Let me tell you something that everyone takes for granted before babies are born. Every human being needs a certain number of hours of sleep each day to revive brain cells and other body systems so they’ll continue functioning effectively. I find myself craving naps during the day and feel out of it, anxious and groggy. We have been getting only three hours of sleep or less each night. Ultimately, parents to be have no idea how the lack of sleep that two babies can bring. If you're only getting three hours of sleep night after night and sometimes less, you'll most likely take your frustration and anger out on your partner. I can see this slightly already and the girls are only one week old so I need to understand my wifes newly found impatience (not to mention mine). I want to get up during the night because if we work as a team we can get through this difficult time a little easier. With two babies, it takes twice as long to change, feed and dress them. When one is done, you have a whole new baby to deal with. Don't get me wrong, I love every minute of it but it can sure be draining. I find myself just staring at them at 2:00 AM and thinking what prefect little angels and two minutes later their cries could awaken Rip Van Winkle. Twins are double the fun and double the sleep deprevation but worth every second.

Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Twins are Here!!!!!!!!!!!!! September 11th, 2007

Friday, September 7, 2007
My Wife, My Friend, My Love & My Life- Week 38

My wife went to the doctor today and from the looks of it we will have our girls in the next few days. I have been really trying to keep her comfortable and hope to keep the girls inside for as long as we can.. Their weights are still in the 5 1/2 LB range but the doctor feels confident that they are ready to be born any time. I am just so proud of my wife for the amazing gift that she is about to give me. I fell helpless that I can't help her right now but I know that once the girls are born that I can prove to her my dedication to our family. We have another doctors appointment on Monday and I will go to support Michelle. I feel terrible that I have not been able to attend more appointments than I have been too because of work. I really can't wait to see our girls!!! Taylor our daughter is getting really excited too, she told me tonight at dinner that she was so excited that she could scream. With all that we do, it is her, my wife, who has made things happen. We still talk about our dreams and things we still want to do and accomplish. Having these girls will be a major life change and a huge accomplishment. I can't believe that Michelle will be going into labor in the next few days. I would say that pain is part of the glory, or the tremendous mystery of life. And that if anything, it's a kind of privilege to stand so close to such an incredible miracle. My wife is braver than she believes. Stronger than she seems. And smarter than she thinks. I just hope that our babies will be as amazing as their mother.
Monday, September 3, 2007
37 Weeks - Happy Labor Day

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