What an unexplainable feeling I have to express the way I feel. When we found out the the twins would be born on September 11
th we were at first uneasy. Now that they are born we look at it as a beautiful thing happened on a sad day in history. My wife is so tiny, she carried the girls 38 weeks and our last appointment the doctor said she needed to get them out right away. I can't explain the feelings we had with so little time to prepare. I was literally in shock, thank god that my wife had already packed our bags. I went to the hospital with the thought that it would happen so easily but to my dismay it was a traumatic experience. I am not the best with blood so I told the doctor not to let me see the procedure. My daughter came to see my wife into the delivery room and it was so sweet that she was very emotional (9 years old) that she did not want to see Mommy in any pain. They took Michelle into the Operating room and made me put on scrubs. When I got to enter the room, my wife had already had an epidural and she was calm as could be. I walked Behind the sheet to comfort her and all I could smell was burning flesh. They had already begun to cut her open and the smell was from the cauterisation. Not even two minutes into the surgery Michelle and I broke down and started to cry. Our
Anisitigiolist was very comforting and helped us throughout the whole ordeal. Our neighbour was also one of the Nurses in the room so it made it very comfortable for us. After the babies were removed we heard them cry and it was the most surreal feeling I could ever feel. We were nervous about the girls so the nurse told me to come and see them to comfort my wife. I came around the curtain to see my girls and as soon as I laid eyes on them I was in love. I walked back to tell my wife that they were fine and shortly after that they asked me to escort them to the recovery room while my wife got stitched and stapled. Let me tell you one thing, I cried all the way to the recovery room. What an amazing feeling!!!!!!!!!!!
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