What a roller coaster we have been on the first trimester. All I can say is thank you for letting it end. My wife has been so fantastic the past few days and I am so happy. We went out to dinner last Friday night and she explained that she knew she has been pretty moody lately and that she was sorry. I really do appreciate the fact that she said that because I really did not know what the heck was going on with her. We have been getting along really well the past week and I attribute it all to the fact that we are over the first trimester. My wife is looking fantastic and glowing with her pregnancy and I am so pleased with the fact that we are out of the scary first 12 weeks. Not that it is not scary now, I am just happy to be this much closer to giving birth. I also have been trying to do more (rubbing her feet and back nightly) and for that I believe my wife has calmed down.
About the Doc- 5 foot nothing and full of attitude.
Let me start off by saying whatever my wife wants she gets. We were told our doctor was top notch by a great family friend and she just may be but as I told you before, my wife always gets what she wants. Last week when we all went to see her for the appointment, we had to wait in the waiting room for close to an hour. This in itself was enough to change doctors for my wife but not only did we wait, the doctor ran through the appointment at a rabbits pace. She seemed rushed and hurried through our questions. She even went as far to say that there is no way to tell the sex of the baby or hear a heart beat until 20 weeks. Hello, my wife just was told the sex yesterday as well as hearing the heartbeats. I liked the doctor myself but I do understand that my wife must love the person that is going to be in the room with us when she is going through horrific pain and I do expect honesty. If I was a jerk I should have told her "We know the sexes, my wife heard the heartbeats yesterday and your fired."
I am feeling more comfortable about the names Reese and Riley. My wife turned 34 yesterday and I gave her three birthday cards. One from me, our daughter and one from Reese and Riley. She said "Yeah, we are keeping the names Reese and Riley." So I guess there we have it unless Taylor our daughter has her way of changing Reese to Jack. Like I said, Reese was what I wanted for a girl and Riley for a boy but I am starting to like it reversed.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
13 Weeks - It's a Boy and a Girl !!!!!

When I got home from work my wife was busting at the seams to tell me something. My daughter had a present and we all sat on my bed to open it up. I did and I saw two baby books, a pink one and a blue one. I can't even believe it, both a boy and a girl. Let me tell you how it went down. My wife went to get an ultrasound today at our doctor's office. Both babies were growing just at the right speed and the ultrasound tec took a few still shots. My wife was pleased with the results and left after the visit. A good friend of ours is also an ultrasound tech and my wife went to see her for a more detailed visit. She looked to see if she could tell her the sex of the babies. After she examined my wife for a few minutes she saw the boys parts and told my wife this is a boy. After a closer look she could tell the second one was a girl. It is still very early to tell but our friend told her that she is 99 % sure it is a boy and a girl but we will have to see in a few more weeks. My wife said that the girl was kicking the boy and they were both very active. She was able to listen to their heart beats and she was surprised at how much they were jumping around in there. We are scheduled for another ultrasound tomorrow and we are bringing our daughter. I can't wait to see it firsthand. My wife looks so cute now with her belly getting bigger. She sure is one sexy Mama!
Names.......... If it is a boy and a girl we think we will call them Reese and Riley. Our daughter still wants to call the boy Jack but I think my wife has decided. I want it to be Reese (girl) and Riley (boy) but my wife likes Reese (boy) Riley (girl). I think that we are setting them up for an butt beating at school if we do but we still have 6 months to decide.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Busted......by the man (not sure who)
Ouch............ Our 9 year old daughter found out about the twins before we told her. We had a bar-b- que and she was informed by an unknown source. Duh, only the entire family knew except for her and who can keep a secret that big? We are not talking about a small family either, At my last count there are 17 nieces and nephew's who were pretty much all at the Bar-b-que. Nevertheless, my wife and daughter went to visit family for spring break and on the 5 hour trip our daughter spilled the beans. I have been pushing my wife to tell her for weeks out of pure excitement but she wanted to wait until the first tri-mester was over.
My wife called to ask if I wanted to talk to our daughter on the phone about the situation and I was a little upset that I could not tell her in person. Little did I know, she was less than excited. I spoke to her and asked if she was excited about being a big sister and she told me "Not really."
I was miffed about her initial reaction but I guess that being the only child and then finding out from anyone but your parents that you are going to be a big sister could be shocking. After a few days had past, she has warmed up to the idea after assurance that we were still going to love her just as much. She is so funny that she is even telling us the names that she will accept. I am so happy that we have made it through the first trimester and it is no longer a secret.
My wife called to ask if I wanted to talk to our daughter on the phone about the situation and I was a little upset that I could not tell her in person. Little did I know, she was less than excited. I spoke to her and asked if she was excited about being a big sister and she told me "Not really."
I was miffed about her initial reaction but I guess that being the only child and then finding out from anyone but your parents that you are going to be a big sister could be shocking. After a few days had past, she has warmed up to the idea after assurance that we were still going to love her just as much. She is so funny that she is even telling us the names that she will accept. I am so happy that we have made it through the first trimester and it is no longer a secret.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
11 Weeks - Can I say mood swings?
A funny thing we call hormones. These levels in pregnant women are truly profound. Most men find it difficult to fully comprehend what is causing all these changes from mood swings to extra sleep to food cravings but I am trying to learn as much as I can. Let me tell you, there is not enough information available for me to read about these changes. Everywhere I walk around my wife there are eggshells this past week. From the incredible highs to the darkest lows, it has been quite an adventure.
The physical changes have been dramatic, from her belly to her BOOBS!!!! Wow those suckers (no pun intended) are getting huge. It seems like overnight they grew 2 cup sizes and don't seem to be slowing down. My wife is shopping for new bras today because she is really busting out of hers.
Just 6 more months until they are born, I can't even believe it! I am so excited.
The names are still up in the air and until we know their sex we have been tossing around a few. For girls I like Reese, Riley, Kennedy, Lexi and Piper. For boys I like Hunter, Dalton and Parker but Michelle loves the name Jack. That is the name that our daughter picked.
The physical changes have been dramatic, from her belly to her BOOBS!!!! Wow those suckers (no pun intended) are getting huge. It seems like overnight they grew 2 cup sizes and don't seem to be slowing down. My wife is shopping for new bras today because she is really busting out of hers.
Just 6 more months until they are born, I can't even believe it! I am so excited.
The names are still up in the air and until we know their sex we have been tossing around a few. For girls I like Reese, Riley, Kennedy, Lexi and Piper. For boys I like Hunter, Dalton and Parker but Michelle loves the name Jack. That is the name that our daughter picked.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Keeping the secret
We have not told our 9 year old yet. We are waiting until my wife makes it past the first tri-mester. It is starting to to become difficult because she is showing and the constant sleeping but our daughter is unaware for now.
10 Weeks pregnant
Let me start of by saying.....I am so excited!!! We have been trying to have another child (my wife had a daughter 9 years ago with her first husband) for 2 years now. It has been very difficult for me because I thought my sperm was not going to work. We went to a fertility doctor to check me out and the results were slow mobility, low sperm count. After the results of the sperm test, I was advised to take a supplement to increase my sperm mobility. These were four horse pills daily and to be honest I thought they were giving me anxiety attacks so I quit taking them. It turns out it was work related stress but that's a whole other story.
After starting to accept that I may not be able to reproduce without medical help we enjoyed a normal sex life without any protection. And yes we are pregnant with twins! On or about the first of 20th of January I got home form work, had dinner and relaxed on the couch to watch a little T.V. My wife said she had to go to the store to pick up a few things so I thought nothing of it. She returned and I did not see her for a while until she came out of our room. She grabbed my hand and walked me to the bathroom which I thought was odd but when I got there I understood. She had taken a pregnancy test and the results were positive. My first thought was pure joy and to think we never thought it was going to happen naturally. We both looked at each other and she began to cry. I was on cloud 9 and the journey began. We first called my parents and then hers to spread our good news. Everyone was shocked and happy. The first night I could hardly sleep with all of the thoughts of a new baby and it was hard to contain all of my emotions.
Lets jump to the first doctors appointment.
The night before was the Superbowl and after the game a few of my friends stuck around and we talked about having children and I told them I thought I was having twins. We all laughed and I went to bed dreaming about twins.
It was a few weeks later that my wife could get the first doctors appointment. I went to work as usual and she had been working from the house so her appointment was for 10:00 AM. I asked her to call me right after the visit. At around 12:30 she showed up to my work unannounced. I sell produce and our sales office is one big "bullpen". Our desks are in a giant rectangle facing each other to make it easy to hear and interact. We are on the phone all day and it can get pretty intense. My wife came in and my first though was fear because she had just left her appointment with the doctor and she did not call me. She made her way over to my desk and told me she need to speak to me in private so we went into a back office and closed the door. It was awkward yet I already knew in my heart what she was about to say. She pulled out her sonogram and told me your in big trouble, were having twins. What a feeling............. I could not even explain how good I felt! We hugged and I saw a tear of Joy from my wife's eye. We waled out of the back office and all eyes were on us. My wife whispered to me that we better tell them something so I said we have good news, we are pregnant with twins. The owner of my company is a twin and his face just lit up. Everyone was very happy for us and told me to take her to lunch. WOW we are having twins.
The thoughts of having healthy babies and mommy are on my mind constantly. My wife smokes and she has been doing really good by cutting down but I want her to quit completely.
I always try to get her to eat, drink water, take her vitamins and rest to the point of exhausting her. She always tells me that she has had a child before and she knows what to do and I fell helpless.
Second sonogram.
Both babies are so tiny but on is even smaller and after reading everything on the Internet about vanishing twin syndrome, I am scared. The babies are the size of a piece of rice right now but everything looks good.
Let me start of by saying.....I am so excited!!! We have been trying to have another child (my wife had a daughter 9 years ago with her first husband) for 2 years now. It has been very difficult for me because I thought my sperm was not going to work. We went to a fertility doctor to check me out and the results were slow mobility, low sperm count. After the results of the sperm test, I was advised to take a supplement to increase my sperm mobility. These were four horse pills daily and to be honest I thought they were giving me anxiety attacks so I quit taking them. It turns out it was work related stress but that's a whole other story.
After starting to accept that I may not be able to reproduce without medical help we enjoyed a normal sex life without any protection. And yes we are pregnant with twins! On or about the first of 20th of January I got home form work, had dinner and relaxed on the couch to watch a little T.V. My wife said she had to go to the store to pick up a few things so I thought nothing of it. She returned and I did not see her for a while until she came out of our room. She grabbed my hand and walked me to the bathroom which I thought was odd but when I got there I understood. She had taken a pregnancy test and the results were positive. My first thought was pure joy and to think we never thought it was going to happen naturally. We both looked at each other and she began to cry. I was on cloud 9 and the journey began. We first called my parents and then hers to spread our good news. Everyone was shocked and happy. The first night I could hardly sleep with all of the thoughts of a new baby and it was hard to contain all of my emotions.
Lets jump to the first doctors appointment.
The night before was the Superbowl and after the game a few of my friends stuck around and we talked about having children and I told them I thought I was having twins. We all laughed and I went to bed dreaming about twins.
It was a few weeks later that my wife could get the first doctors appointment. I went to work as usual and she had been working from the house so her appointment was for 10:00 AM. I asked her to call me right after the visit. At around 12:30 she showed up to my work unannounced. I sell produce and our sales office is one big "bullpen". Our desks are in a giant rectangle facing each other to make it easy to hear and interact. We are on the phone all day and it can get pretty intense. My wife came in and my first though was fear because she had just left her appointment with the doctor and she did not call me. She made her way over to my desk and told me she need to speak to me in private so we went into a back office and closed the door. It was awkward yet I already knew in my heart what she was about to say. She pulled out her sonogram and told me your in big trouble, were having twins. What a feeling............. I could not even explain how good I felt! We hugged and I saw a tear of Joy from my wife's eye. We waled out of the back office and all eyes were on us. My wife whispered to me that we better tell them something so I said we have good news, we are pregnant with twins. The owner of my company is a twin and his face just lit up. Everyone was very happy for us and told me to take her to lunch. WOW we are having twins.
The thoughts of having healthy babies and mommy are on my mind constantly. My wife smokes and she has been doing really good by cutting down but I want her to quit completely.
I always try to get her to eat, drink water, take her vitamins and rest to the point of exhausting her. She always tells me that she has had a child before and she knows what to do and I fell helpless.
Second sonogram.
Both babies are so tiny but on is even smaller and after reading everything on the Internet about vanishing twin syndrome, I am scared. The babies are the size of a piece of rice right now but everything looks good.
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