Saturday, March 10, 2007

11 Weeks - Can I say mood swings?

A funny thing we call hormones. These levels in pregnant women are truly profound. Most men find it difficult to fully comprehend what is causing all these changes from mood swings to extra sleep to food cravings but I am trying to learn as much as I can. Let me tell you, there is not enough information available for me to read about these changes. Everywhere I walk around my wife there are eggshells this past week. From the incredible highs to the darkest lows, it has been quite an adventure.

The physical changes have been dramatic, from her belly to her BOOBS!!!! Wow those suckers (no pun intended) are getting huge. It seems like overnight they grew 2 cup sizes and don't seem to be slowing down. My wife is shopping for new bras today because she is really busting out of hers.

Just 6 more months until they are born, I can't even believe it! I am so excited.

The names are still up in the air and until we know their sex we have been tossing around a few. For girls I like Reese, Riley, Kennedy, Lexi and Piper. For boys I like Hunter, Dalton and Parker but Michelle loves the name Jack. That is the name that our daughter picked.

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