When I got home from work my wife was busting at the seams to tell me something. My daughter had a present and we all sat on my bed to open it up. I did and I saw two baby books, a pink one and a blue one. I can't even believe it, both a boy and a girl. Let me tell you how it went down. My wife went to get an ultrasound today at our doctor's office. Both babies were growing just at the right speed and the ultrasound tec took a few still shots. My wife was pleased with the results and left after the visit. A good friend of ours is also an ultrasound tech and my wife went to see her for a more detailed visit. She looked to see if she could tell her the sex of the babies. After she examined my wife for a few minutes she saw the boys parts and told my wife this is a boy. After a closer look she could tell the second one was a girl. It is still very early to tell but our friend told her that she is 99 % sure it is a boy and a girl but we will have to see in a few more weeks. My wife said that the girl was kicking the boy and they were both very active. She was able to listen to their heart beats and she was surprised at how much they were jumping around in there. We are scheduled for another ultrasound tomorrow and we are bringing our daughter. I can't wait to see it firsthand. My wife looks so cute now with her belly getting bigger. She sure is one sexy Mama!
Names.......... If it is a boy and a girl we think we will call them Reese and Riley. Our daughter still wants to call the boy Jack but I think my wife has decided. I want it to be Reese (girl) and Riley (boy) but my wife likes Reese (boy) Riley (girl). I think that we are setting them up for an butt beating at school if we do but we still have 6 months to decide.
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