I've been silent way too long. Let me first start by saying, I am sooooooooo blessed! I love the fact that my husband has been keeping track of the pregnancy and now the girls progress after birth. What an amazing memory to provide to our daughters. I am truely the lucky one, I have been treated like a queen while pregnant, felt two lives inside my belly for 38 weeks, watched our nine year old daughter bloosom into a beautiful and compassionate big sister, delivered two healthly little girls and our friends and family have provided us with their support and generous gifts. What more can one possibly need in life? Well....other than sleep.
The girls are now three weeks old today and I still can't believe we have twins. It's craziness. I am a little sleep deprived and I have a hard time asking for help. I really want to get the hang of feeding two babies at a time and getting them on a schedule. I get a little freaked out when they both cry at the same time and sometimes I feel I pay more attention to one versus the other. Oh yes, the motherly guilt has already kicked into overdrive. I also fear that I am getting off track with our older daughter in her school homework. Hopefully in due time, I will get all of the pieces to our family puzzle put together.
I am blessed to have such a loving family and a wonderful husband. It's great, more people to love, free laughs, hugs and kisses. Another bonus for me.... every time I watch my husband with our daughters, I seem to fall in love with him all over again.
Signed- Michelle Stewart